
About Me

I worked in sports for ten years. Four years in football. Six years in baseball. The entire time, I pretended to understand sports, but I know I was transparently clueless (a word to the wise: asking "What is a Lincecum?" is generally a bad idea, while in an MLB front office. Trust the voice of experience.). I started this blog to force me to pay attention to what was happening on ESPN, when what I really wanted to read was, and then spend an evening with Pinterest. How did I end up working in sports, you ask, and why did I stay for so long? The answer is the same for why the Kardashians are famous: it's a mystery.

Now that I no longer work in sports, it seems strange to continue this blog. The thing is, I know that there are other people like me out there. People who are clueless, but just want to be a part of the conversation, because sports is such good water cooler material. Or because teams with bright colors are so fun to cheer for. You know who you are. The girls who want to impress their boyfriends. The wives who want to connect with their husbands. The men who aren't sports fans but are stuck in awkward conversations with those who are, because their wives keep making them hang out with other friends' husbands. These are my people. And I'm here to make a fool of myself, so you all don't have to.

For real sports fans, this blog will make you cringe. For the pretenders, welcome home.

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